Sunday, 2 August 2009


Today was the first time I was confronted with beer since my operation. I went out and a few people had some pints...and I have to say I was giving a few glances to those glasses. It was like something out of an M&S commercial (to my non-English readers, M&S have some amazing food advert videos that leave you wanting to lick the television screen). Those glasses had drops of water forming because of how cold the drink was...and the head of the drink was perfect...and the colour. God I sound like such a freak! Being on Warfarin doesn’t mean you’re entirely banned from alcohol, but you do have to be careful. It interacts with the medication and can make your blood clot quicker/slower, depending on the individual. And right now as my anti-coagulation level isn’t stable, i’d rather not start alcohol yet. Part of me (the sensible part) is just saying to not bother with drink. I used to drink to get drunk...but I don’t know now...we’ll see!

Now on another topic, I’m aware I have two types of readers: people interested in aortic valve replacement, and then a few psychology readers. Now to not alienate either side...I’m going to attempt to bring them together. Let’s go: I have a job interview for an Assistant Psychologist which just seems perfect for me. Part of it involves giving psychoeducational talks to cardiac rehabilitation patients. The other part is involved with chronic pain (something I have good experience in already). It’s like the job was written just for me! I really feel I could make a difference and work with passion in the cardiac rehabilitation part of the job. I would have a really good understanding of what patients are going through...the ups and the downs, the physical aspect...and I think clients would appreciate what I had to say because I have gone through the process myself.

On another note, I’ve started to do more activities. Namely football in the garden with my younger brother. I used to get really tired doing this prior to the operation (and even fainted once – the warning sign to have my operation), but now I’ve noticed a slight increase in my ability. Well that, or I’m just seeing an improvement when it’s not there. I’m sure there is one...I mean my valve has doubled in size to what is considered normal, so it means I’m getting plenty more blood around my body. Only time will tell I guess!
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